Friday, September 30, 2011

Narrowing down site selection

I spoke with my tutor Brett in class about the extent of how far out the redesign could come out. The sketch below demonstrates the areas of interest that we agreed on and the extents to look at.... As the design intentions are not to visually impact the existing parliament structure my initially intentions are to move the structure further away but still in a way acting as a part of the existing structure. The yellow precinct was determined as the first preference to minimise the potential to create forms which would blocks these visual connections.

CANOPY - dilemma

Reactivating the public connections

the sketch below demonstrates the intent to reactivate the public connections with parliament and reactivating the use of the sweeping lawns into the new design.....

Tutorial Brainstorming

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


these are some images that demonstrate the views that are important to maintain or enhance the connections.


it is essential for me to try and maintain the visual connections to parliamnet that already exist and design around these constraints. These visual connections from the war memorial and old parliament house are iconic views that play a vital role in the existing design of the structure. The image below identifies the constraints and opportunities of connections.

location area for phase two design development

the previous post demonstrate that the facade facing the old parliament house is considered as the main area that relates around the public focus. Therefore the area illustrated in the image below demonstrates the key area of focus for the redevelopment / redesign process....

Sunday, September 18, 2011

phase 2 | redesign / addition to parliament

For the individual project I have chosen to focus primarily on generating or creating a new space/s that draw the public back to occupy the spaces within parliament and surrounding elements. Parliament has seemed to have lost the connection of private and public spaces and some what have entirely become a private place.The closing of the sweeping lawns and roof walk has taken away from a main attraction to what many visitors enjoyed to inspect and experience.

Therefore reconnecting the heart of the public spaces within parliament is essential to achieve. The image below demonstrates area which may be considered with the majority of public focus.

The canopy design will also be re looked and further analysis to the location and design will be considered with the new design and existing parliament structure. The image below demonstrates the following locations to be considered for the redesign process.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Roof canopy - changing of pillars

The sketch below was from a disscussion that i had with my other group members in ways to change the original struictural columns or pillars of the roof canopy structure so it varied and changed from the first assignment proposal.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

presentation - physical models

these are a few pictures that demonstrate the physical models that were built to protray and help demonstrate our concept as a group. 

The following pictures are of the way roof structure will inhabit the space over and around the parliamnet house perimeter. 

these pictures are of more specific nature, helping to demonstarte how the teloscopic structure arms (coloumns) will help all the roof structure to become more flexible in a sense of being able to move upwards / downwards to form a shape that will sit over the occupied spaces below and enhance and adapt in a way that will bring the space to life.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Roof Form

"The original idea was for Parliament House to be open freely to the public, and the sweeping lawns leading up to the entrances were intended to symbolise this".
The proposed architectural insertion attempts to enhance parliament and its image in regards to functionality, interaction, usability and international recognition and significance using the concept of ‘forced flexibility'. Our group had produced a concept of a roof form that we believe will enhanced and add to the significance to parliament house. The idea around the form came from the above quote about the 'sweeping lawns', as this is currently the pinned down roof structure that forms over parliament. The idea of the roof concept that we came up with is to counterpoint the pinned down nature and rather achieve the completed opposite in causing a push/pull effect.

The idea of the roof form to come of the sides were to reactive these frontages and not to take away the original design and concept to the building rather to try and enhance and improve the nature and entrance points to the building. This roof concept allows for the ability to draw people into these spaces under the new roof form and add to creating further and improved entrances and spaces / functions that will incorporate the us of the building and allow the public to identify themselves with these spaces.

With a form in mind we further analysied the capbailities of enforcing a 'forced flexibility' and adaptable nature that could change form in the form and way it needed to under the many circumstances that were placed or designed below the structure.


These are some of the ememplars that are an inspiration to achieveing the form and type of structure I desire to produce. However this is just the basis to add to the concept that our group has brought together and will be look at in greater depth and redsigned to suit the building structure and enhancements that occupy the spaces below.